Administrator Guide 2017
Concepts - Standard Attributes

Attributes are general pieces of information stored on the system relating to, or attached to, customers, locations, users, lists and list entries. Attribute examples include user’s initials, customer's address, location site code, list entry’s product type or a supplier code.

Attributes values are input and edited when creating/modifying the records to which they are attached.
Only one attribute value can be held in each attribute name.
Attributes can be displayed on a mobile device and also output on PDFs and other report formats.
Attributes are very powerful within Conditions.  For example, a device could display customer attribute of ‘on stop’ to prevent work being charged or could use the customer attribute in a calculated field such as discount rate.  See How to guide for more information
Many attributes are free text but others can be list entries or dates.
Attributes can be used on the server in Action conditions and can also be updated by Action conditions.  For example, a location might have ‘last visit report’ attribute which gets updated by a server action when a form is processed for that location.  See help pages.
Attributes can also be used within job creation on the server.  For example, job numbers could be prefixed by a location code, or warning notes could be displayed attached (eg "this customer requires a level 2 qualification engineer").  See help pages.
Not all of these entities can be used in the same place or at the same time, but where they can combinations can make powerful output text or conditional behaviours.
Standard attributes are shipped with magic5 and most are listed below. Not all will be available on every implementation and new Standard Attributes may not yet have been added to the list.  Bespoke attributes can be created by contacting magic5.


address = Address
postCode = Post code
phoneNumber = Phone number
faxNo = Fax number
sageCode = Sage code
productService = Product/Service
supplierCode = Supplier code
officeNotes= Notes (office only)
deviceNotes = Notes (available on device)


address = Address
postCode = Post code
phoneNumber = Phone number
faxNo = Fax number
sageCode = Sage code
officeNotes = Notes (office only)
deviceNotes = Notes (available on device)


displayName = Display name (device only)
firstname = First name
lastname = Last name
email = Email
initials = Initials
jobTitle = Job title
suffixTitle = Name suffix (eg.MIFSM)
role = Role

List entries

These are only available for a list entry if they have been selected in the Additional Attributes for list entries tab for the list itself.

part_No = Part number
serviceInfo = Service info
sales_Code = Sales code
stock_Code = Stock code
buyIn_Cost = Buy in cost
chargeOut_Cost = Charge out cost
on_Hand = On hand
stockList_Type = Stock list type
stockList_SubType = Stocklist sub-type
asset_Make = Make
asset_Model = Model
asset_SerialNo = Serial number
asset_HoistMakeModel = Hoist make
asset_HoistModel = Hoist model
asset_HoistSerial = Hoist serial number
hs_procedure = Procedure
hs_riskProbability = Risk Rating - probability
hs_riskSeverity = Risk Rating - severity
hs_riskRisk = Risk Rating - risk
hs_residualProbability = Residual Risk - probability
hs_residualSeverity = Residual Risk - severity
hs_residualRisk = Residual Risk - risk
hs_controlMeasures = Control Measures
hs_hazard0 = Hazard 1
hs_hazard1 = Hazard 2
listItemImage = Associated image or document
email_text = Text of e-mail
variableValue = Value to use
VATRate = VAT rate (%)
vatCode = VAT code
customCodeAssemblyAndClass = Code assembly and class (advanced)
expandedText = Expanded text
headerLines = Number of header lines to ignore
columnUniqueNames = Spreadsheet columns unique names
primaryKeyFormats = Primary key specifications
importUnallocated = Import unallocated jobs
userKeyFormats = User key specifications
dateKeyFormats = Date key specifications
metresPerPixel = Metres per Pixel
colour = colour
templatefilename = Word document template
buttonText= button text for Word template
additionalSettings = additional parameters for Word template
ac_unitRefrigerantWeight = Refrigerant weight (kg)
ac_unitSerialNo = Unit Serial number
ac_unitHistory = Unit history
ac_unitTypeId = Unit type
ac_unitMake = Unit make
ac_unitModel = Unit model
ac_unitRefrigerantType = Refrigerant type
scheduledDayOffset = Scheduled day (rounds)
pricingProductivityType = Measurement type for pricing/productivity
sg_prod_desc = Product description (Sage)
sg_prod_code = Product code (Sage)
sg_prod_partno = Product part number (Sage)
sg_prod_lowstock = Low stock flag (Sage)
sg_prod_category = Product category (Sage)
 sg_prod_type = Product type (Sage)
sg_prod_saleprice =Product sale price (Sage)
 sg_prod_costprice =Product cost price (Sage)
 sg_prod_unit =Product unit (Sage)

See Also